Variable Cost Definition, Factors, Formula, and Applications

how to calculate variable cost per unit

If you’re looking for support with tracking all the costs that go into making your business possible, FreshBooks accounting software can help. With in-depth expense tracking, powerful reporting features, and around-the-clock support, we can support your business as it scales up and reaches new heights. You can also plug the numbers into a table to find out how much net income you’ll make per month depending on how many units you sell.

how to calculate variable cost per unit

What Is the Difference Between a Variable Cost and a Fixed Cost?

However, by analyzing historical data and trends, businesses can create accurate budgets for labor costs. One effective way to determine the optimal price point is to conduct a price elasticity analysis, which measures how sensitive demand is to changes in price. By understanding the price elasticity of their product, businesses can adjust their pricing strategy accordingly to maximize profits.

Operating Leverage and Variable Costs

  • For example, the chair company gets an order for 30 chairs for a total selling price of $2,400.
  • Businesses should analyze their expense structure to determine which costs are variable and which costs are fixed.
  • Variable costing, also known as direct or marginal costing, is a bookkeeping strategy businesses utilize to manage and analyze costs related to their production forms.
  • An example of an indirect material would be sandpaper, which is necessary for creating the chairs, but doesn’t make it into the final product.
  • However, if you pay commissions for every unit sold on top of a salary, they would be variable costs.
  • To reduce the unit cost, it is better to use the online average variable cost calculator.

An employee’s hourly wages are a variable cost; however, that employee was promoted last year. The current variable cost will be higher than before; the average variable cost will remain something in between. The cost to package or ship a product will only occur if a certain activity is performed. Therefore, price per item formula the cost of shipping a finished good varies (i.e. is variable) depending on the quantity of units shipped. Though there may be fixed cost components to shipping (i.e. an in-house mail distribution network with a personalized weighing and packaging product line), many of the ancillary costs are variable.


The average variable cost, or “variable cost per unit,” equals the total variable costs incurred by a company divided by the total output (i.e. the number of units produced). If you are curious about how to calculate variable expenses to manage manufacturing expenses, then it is an efficient way to find variable costs by the total variable cost calculator. Controlling the average variable cost per unit goes to decrease with mass production. Businesses do want to increase their production as same unit mass production decreases the average total variable cost of the production. In variable costing, fixed manufacturing costs are considered period costs and are not allocated to individual units created.

The firm’s specific needs, objectives, and reporting needs should guide the decision between variable costing and absorption costing. Many businesses employ both techniques to grasp their cost structures and profitability for various reasons fully. Fixed costs represent the baseline operating expenses that a business must incur to maintain its operations, regardless of the level of production or sales.

how to calculate variable cost per unit

Entrepreneurs can determine what is the break-even point and when to invest more in business by knowing the average variable cost (AVG). Investing in energy-efficient machinery and lighting systems can help bring your cost of production down. Promoting energy-saving practices among employees – such as turning off equipment when not in use – can also reduce your utility costs. Reducing production costs involves analysing and controlling the different types of costs to optimise efficiency, pricing strategies, and overall financial performance. These costs are capitalised and reported on the balance sheet as inventory until the goods are sold, at which point they are expensed as Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) on the income statement. Direct costs provide a clear and direct link to the production of goods or services.

Number of Units Produced

When you calculate your gross margin, net income, and net profit margin, you’ll need to factor your variable and fixed expenses into the formulas. Good variable expense analysis ensures you can calculate how scaling production up or down will impact the company’s bottom line. If the chair company knows it costs $50 per unit in variable costs to produce a single chair, it wouldn’t make sense to price the chair any lower than $51, since you would lose money on each sale.

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how to calculate variable cost per unit

It is essential to keep track of the cost of direct labor and materials as they can significantly impact the bottom line. Regularly reviewing and analyzing these costs can help identify opportunities for cost savings. To reiterate, the percent mix of fixed and variable costs in the cost structure of companies is contingent on the industry. To better explain this concept and differentiate variable and fixed costs, we’ll use a few examples to help you understand how they may apply to your industry. In this example, the average variable cost formula simply works backward to arrive at our original cost per unit.

The contribution margin represents the sum of income that remains after covering variable costs. It is calculated by subtracting the total variable costs from total sales revenue. Once you have the VCU, you can calculate the total variable costs for various production or activity levels by multiplying it by the number of units. As production levels increase, variable costs also rise, and vice versa. Managing variable costs effectively is crucial for maximising profitability and ensuring the business can adjust expenses in response to changes in demand or market conditions. In this example, the total variable costs are $800, and the total fixed costs are $760.

Direct Labor and Materials

how to calculate variable cost per unit

You might pay to package and ship your product by the unit, and therefore more or fewer shipped units will cause these costs to vary. Best outsourced accounting services provide expert financial management, tailored to small businesses, enhancing accuracy and efficiency. The “Variable Cost Per Unit” column equals $100 at all production levels, since the metric is expressed on a per-unit basis.