The biopsychosocial model: Its use and abuse PMC

This is in line with former research on recovery, which emphasised the importance of social relationships during a recovery-process [22, 31, 35, 43, 44]. This article presents a qualitative study based on the paradigm of the social construction of the philosophy of science, understanding people’s meaning-making as a personal process which is negotiated with other people and provided by culture [3, 13, 24]. They had completed all the surveys and tests in the Tyrili cohort 2016, which will give us the opportunity to compare results from both quantitative and qualitative data in future.

2. Locating the Content of the Biopsychosocial Model

Who is in the social dimension includes, family, friends, workplace, social, exercise, the community of choice, leisure companions and faith community. It also takes into consideration the socio-structural perspective of the individual as it relates strongly to the many decisions that are made around addictions. This also takes into consideration the social determinants of health, social factors, culture, age, gender and other stressful situations that were experienced. The term “psychology” refers to a behavioural process that relates to motivation, emotions, mood, or the mind. Informed by science, many psychological models, govern our understanding of addiction. When we look at classical and operant conditioning to social learning theory, the transtheoretical model and the behavioural perspective we can see how the psychological dimension strongly affects addiction.

the biopsychosocial model of addiction

Addiction as a brain disease revised: why it still matters, and the need for consilience

All the informants received some degree of therapy and support from social services or specialised healthcare facilities during the years after inpatient SUD treatment in Tyrili. Three received opioid maintenance therapy (OMT) and were in contact with a GP or therapist. Eight had been in treatment for trauma, anxiety, depression, psychosis or insomnia, and three had or were waiting for treatment for ADHD. Also, four informants mentioned participation in activities and support groups run by NGOs, as described above. Five informants had received inpatient treatment for substance use and mental health problems or detox several times since they left Tyrili. In sum, the BPSM can serve as a useful tool for highlighting psychosocial factors important to health outcomes.

Evaluate the interactive elements of the biopsychosocial model as they apply to an alcohol use disorder.

Because of a tendency to focus on extreme pathological states, the wide range of normal is often forgotten. Some aspects are universal (e.g., the activation of the reward system by drugs of abuse). Yet many other elements are idiosyncratic, such as the intensity of the experience of reward and the functioning of the individual’s mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway in the brain.

  • These factors are not inherent in the composition of the social structure, are neither stable nor persistent, but are governed by the social values and norms of that social system or group (Bunge 2003).
  • It is also possible that Americans are more likely to take action when they believe that what they are doing will help them achieve a positive outcome.

Addiction Neuroethics in the Clinical Context

Although a full discussion is warranted pertaining to these challenges, these ethical concerns raised by Oviedo-Joekes et al. (2009) resonate with our present discussion. Although there is no “addiction gene” to definitively identify a person as being at risk for addiction, it is evident through twin studies, adoption studies, family studies, and more recently, epigenetic studies that addiction has a genetic component. Individuals who are genetically predisposed for addiction enter the world with a greater risk of becoming addicted at some point in their lives. They talked about the use of substances as isolated incidents or a more regular occurrence. Ethical issues were considered during the recruitment, the interviews, the analysis, and the data interpretation. Conducting in-depth interviews about sensitive subjects requires great awareness and respect for the ‘informants’ emotions and boundaries [12].

the biopsychosocial model of addiction

Finding the Right Metaphor: Evolution and Development

  • Finally, we argue that progress would come from integration of these scientific perspectives and traditions.
  • Primary features of the model are shown in boldface; variables exemplifying heroin-assisted treatment are shown in italics.
  • The same methodology of course can show the importance of biological factors of small effect, such as genetic and epigenetic effects.
  • An individual living with an addiction is in-the-world-with-others and thus acts as a being-among-others, such that the individual’s decisions and complex engagement with the world may not be as automatic as the neurophilosophical model may suggest (Gillett 2008a, 2008b, 2009).

Therefore, it is claimed, these factors must also be “treated from [a] biopsychosocial perspective” (Hargarten et al. 2018, 1025–26). As demonstrated in the previous section and Appendix, wayward BPSM discourse creates a space in which ambiguous illness phenomena (i.e., poorly-understood behaviors, symptoms, and experiences) can be transformed into putative “diseases.”16 It also allows this transformation to occur in a relatively unconstrained way. Because wayward discourse is not governed by clear epistemic or theoretical principles, it imposes few restrictions concerning which factors can be regarded as constitutive or causative of a particular disease. The claim that schizophrenia is a medical disease faces a hurdle, which Engel acknowledges. The way Engel arrives at his answer to this question is revealing, for it exemplifies the core concept-shifting maneuver at work in his article.

  • Elastic demand means that a change in price leads to a relatively larger change in quantity demanded.
  • In conclusion, you have the flexibility to continue the previous unit’s discussion, explore the Parliamentary Budget Office summary and Public Debt, or focus on one of the provided links.
  • Engel’s perspective is contrasted with a so-called monistic or reductionistic view, in which all phenomena could be reduced to smaller parts and understood as molecular interactions.
  • Engel hoped that general systems theory could be used to build this kind of scientific version of the BPSM (Engel 1977).
  • Such a concept then drives further lines of enquiry, investigating biological factors in other conditions.
  • These findings are said to show that the TMD construct is “accurate” and “a sufficient marker for underlying complexity”—i.e., the “complexity” ascribed to TMD as a “complex disease.” Elsewhere, however, the authors appear to adopt the more typical position on heterogeneity and comorbidity.

Biomarker measures of alcohol and illicit drug consumption

Research designs relevant to the BPSM are those that examine the effects of psychological and social, as well as biological factors, on health outcomes (e.g. Lacombe, Armstrong, Wright, & Foster, 2019). Immediate findings are typically of correlations or associations, and control conditions of varying levels of stringency increase confidence in inference to causation. Multivariable regression models are applicable within the BMM, including biological variables only, but the expanded BPSM framework also accommodates inclusion of psychological and social variables, estimating their independent, additive, and interaction effects (e.g. Guloksuz et al., 2019). A future application of clinical neuroscience may allow for more precise prediction of a neurogenetic vulnerability to addiction, lead to better understanding of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug use, and to bring greater precision to diagnosis than is currently possible.

  • This means being aware of how environmental factors impact their mental and physical health, as well as how their genetics and medical history in turn influence behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.
  • However, they also encourage physicians and other practitioners to move beyond considerations of organic pathology by understanding each patient as a person whose being is fundamentally social and psychological, in addition to biological.
  • The psychosocial data have accumulated over the past few decades and have vindicated Engel’s proposal of a new model for medicine and healthcare.
  • Francisco A. Montiel Ishino and Faustine Williams, and Ms. Bonita Salmeron was supported by the Division of Intramural Research, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health.
  • Given the spectrum nature of substance use problems, decision-making capacity is therefore neither completely present nor absent, but may be, at some times in certain contexts, weakened.

Overview of the BPSM

Accordingly, this cybernetic brain-environment interaction may trigger strong somatic signals such as desire, urge and anticipation (Verdejo-Garcia and Bechara 2009). In effect, this process may limit autonomy as it allows for “preference reversals” (Levy 2007a) to occur in situations where an individual would rather not use. SUD and recovery should be understood using the same coherent approach—as an interplay between biological and psychological factors and social, political and cultural contexts. This study emphasised that inpatient treatment is necessary but inadequate for many people with SUD, and long-time access to various professional and social support systems is crucial in the recovery process. Receiving such support is not understood as a defeat, and each person’s resources and vulnerabilities should be recognized and acknowledged. To sum up, physicalist reductionism had a massive influence on the development of the biological, psychological and social sciences.

Non-Hispanic whites, for instance, have become the primary focus for multiple prevention programs and strategies as they have been found to misuse opioid at greater rates [8,9,10]. However, multiple racial/ethnic groups have been found to be at differential risk, as well as differentially affected by opioid misuse [8,9,10]. Although our principal focus is on the brain disease model of addiction, the definition of addiction itself is a source of ambiguity. Properties of the biopsychosocial systems model are reflected in the case example of HAT. Here, we examine some of the ethical challenges to research, service delivery, the philosophies and strategies of harm reduction, and clinical practice that HAT presents.