Recipients must practice their specialty full-time in the practice entity named in the application

Recipients must practice their specialty full-time in the practice entity named in the application

  • Preference will be given to students from underserved/rural areas and/or those who are minorities underrepresented in medicine. Preference will also be given to South Carolina residents.
  • The applicant will not have another current service obligations to the Federal Government (e.g., National Health Service Corps, Military Service Obligations), or a State, or another entity prior to the beginning the program. The applicant will not have defaulted on any previous
  • service obligations to the Federal Government or State of South Carolina.
  • The applicant will not enroll in another federal, State of South Carolina, or other state repayment program nor one with another public or private entity (examples: community hospital recruitment program)
  • Individuals in the Reserve Component of the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard are eligible to participate. If participation in the reserves, in combination with other absences from the services site, exceed 35 workdays per service year, the service obligation will be extended to
  • compensate for the break in full-time service.

Award recipients must practice their profession for a period of at least three years at a site approved by the SC Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare. Approved sites must be located in a federally recognized Primary Medical Care Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) or Mental Health Professional Shortage Area (MHPSA) for psychiatry, which are also in a SC County designated as high need according the SC Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare methodology.

The funds that the recipient are in addition to any other salary, benefits or other compensation the physician receives as part of a practice and/or employment arrangement provided there is no duplication of benefits

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Full-time clinical practice is defined as a minimum of 40 hours per week of patient care at an approved service site, with no more than eight of those hours per week devoted to practice- related administrative activities. At least 32 of the minimum 40 hours per week must be spent providing direct patient care. These services must be conducted during normally scheduled office hours in the ambulatory care setting office(s). The remaining hours must be spent providing inpatient care to patients of the approved site and/or performing practice-related administrative activities. Research and teaching are not considered to be clinical practice and time spent on-call is not considered part of full-time practice.

An exception to these rules is allowed for nurse practitioners working in OB/GYN practices

In this situation, the majority of full-time service (not less than 21 hours per week) is to be devoted to direct patient care in an approved ambulatory care practice site during normal scheduled office hours. The remaining hours can be spent providing inpatient care to patients of the approved site and/or on practice related administrative duties. Time spent on administrative duties cannot exceed eight hours per week. Time spent on-call is not considered part of full-time practice. For all clinicians, 40 hours per week may be compressed into no less than four days per week with no more than 12 hours of work to be performed in any 24-hour period. Hours worked over 40 hours per week will not be applied to any other work week. Participants must work at least 45 weeks per service year providing primary health services. No more than seven weeks (35 workdays) per year can be spent away from the practice for vacation, holidays, continuing professional education, illness, or any other reason. Absences greater than seven weeks in a service year will extend the service commitment end date. Recipients will be responsible for submitting required annual reports to allow the SC Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare to monitor compliance with the requirements.