Other members of Bumble will also share content via the App

Other members of Bumble will also share content via the App

Member Content

Member Content belongs to the user who posted the content and is stored on our servers and displayed via the App at the direction of the user providing the Member Content.

You do not have any rights in relation to other users’ Member Content, and you may only use other Bumble users’ personal information to the extent that your use of it matches Bumble’s purpose of allowing people to meet one another. You may not use other users’ information for commercial purposes, to spam, to harass, stalk or to make unlawful threats. We reserve the right to terminate your Account if you misuse other users’ information.

Member Content is subject to the terms and conditions of Sections 512(c) and/or 512(d) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998. If you have a complaint about Member Content, please see the Digital Millennium Copyright Act section below for more information.

Our Content

You may be wondering what happens to the rest of the Content on Bumble. Well, it belongs to us! Any other text, content, graphics, user interfaces, trademarks, logos, sounds, artwork, and other intellectual property appearing on Bumble, as well as the Bumble software and database(s), are owned, controlled or licensed by us and are protected by copyright, trademark, data, database rights and/or other intellectual property law rights. https://besthookupwebsites.org/local-hookup/ All right, title and interest in and to Our Content remains with us at all times.

We grant you a non-exclusive, limited, personal, non-transferable, revocable, licence to access and use Our Content, without the right to sublicense, under the following conditions:

  1. you shall not use, sell, modify, or distribute Our Content except as permitted by the functionality of the App;
  2. you shall not use our name in metatags, keywords and/or hidden text;
  3. you shall not create derivative works from Our Content or scrape, disable, decompile, analyse or in any way commercially exploit Our Content, in whole or in part, in any way; and
  4. you shall use Our Content for lawful purposes only.

Since Bumble is an online community, we generally try to avoid getting in the way and therefore don’t assume any obligation to pre-screen any of Your Content or any Member Content. However, there may be times where we need to step in, and we reserve the right to review, pre-screen, refuse and/or remove any Member Content and Your Content, including content exchanged between users in direct messages.


  • comply with all applicable laws, including without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, equal opportunity laws and regulatory requirements;
  • use your real name and real age in creating your Bumble account and on your profile; and
  • use the services in a professional manner.
  • act in an unlawful or unprofessional manner including being dishonest, abusive or discriminatory;
  • misrepresent your identity, your age, your current or previous positions, qualifications or affiliations with a person or entity;

We don’t like users misbehaving in the Bumble community. You can report any abuse or complain about Member Content by contacting us, outlining the abuse and/or complaint. You can also report a user directly from a profile or in chat by clicking the ‘Block & Report’ link. We reserve the right to investigate any possible violations of these Terms, any Bumble user’s rights, or any third party rights and we may, in our sole discretion, immediately terminate any user’s right to use of the App without prior notice, as set out further in Section 1 above, and/or remove any improper, infringing or otherwise unauthorised Member Content submitted to the App.