Neural Networks: Building with Tensorflow for XOR

xor neural network

If we manage to classify everything in one stretch, we terminate our algorithm. The ⊕ (“o-plus”) symbol you see in the legend is conventionally used to represent the XOR boolean operator. In the XOR problem, we are trying to train a model to mimic a 2D XOR function. There are a few reasons to use the error-weighted derivative.

Loss function and cost function

We want to get outputs as shown in the above truth table. For this purpose, we have made an MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) architecture shown below. The reason why we need a hidden layer is intuitively apparent when illustrating the xor problem graphically. Here’s a representation of how the equation becomes a graph and i.e a neural network.

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A limitation of this architecture is that it is only capable of separating data points with a single line. This is unfortunate because the XOR inputs are not linearly separable. This is particularly visible if you plot the XOR input values to a graph. As shown in figure 3, there is no way to separate the 1 and 0 predictions with a single classification line.

xor neural network

Training algorithm

xor neural network

The basic idea is to take the input, multiply it by the synaptic weight, and check if the output is correct. If it is not, adjust the weight, multiply it by the input again, check the output and repeat, until we have reached an ideal synaptic weight. Just by looking at this graph, we can say that the data was almost perfectly classified.

xor neural network

In addition to MLPs and the backpropagation algorithm, the choice of activation functions also plays a crucial role in solving the XOR problem. Activation functions introduce non-linearity into the network, allowing it to learn complex patterns. Popular activation functions for solving the XOR problem include the sigmoid function and the hyperbolic tangent function. As we can see from the truth table, the XOR gate produces a true output only when the inputs are different. This non-linear relationship between the inputs and the output poses a challenge for single-layer perceptrons, which can only learn linearly separable patterns. The goal of the neural network is to classify the input patterns according to the above truth table.

How to Use the XOR Neural Network Code

  1. Finally, we colour each point based on how our model classifies it.
  2. It consists of finding the gradient, or the fastest descent along the surface of the function and choosing the next solution point.
  3. The algorithm only terminates when correct_counter hits 4 — which is the size of the training set — so this will go on indefinitely.
  4. Next, we will use the function  np.random.shuffle() on the variable index_shuffle.
  5. There is no intuitive way to distinguish or separate the green and the blue points from each other such that they can be classified into respective classes.

In some practical cases e.g. when collecting product reviews online for various parameters and if the parameters are optional fields we may get some missing input values. In such case, we can use various approaches like setting the missing value to most occurring value of the parameter or set it to mean of the values. One interesting approach could be to use neural network in reverse to fill missing parameter values. A clear non-linear decision boundary is created here with our generalized neural network, or MLP.

For the system to generalize over input space and to make it capable of predicting accurately for new use cases, we require to train the model with available inputs. During training, we predict the output of model for different inputs and compare the predicted output with actual output in our training set. The difference in actual and predicted output is termed as loss over that input. The summation of losses across all inputs is termed as cost function.

Before we dive deeper into the XOR problem, let’s briefly understand how neural networks work. Neural networks are composed of interconnected nodes, called neurons, which are organized into layers. The input layer receives the input data passed through the hidden layers. Finally, the output layer produces the desired output.

On the right-hand side, however, we can see a convex set where the line segment joining the two points from \(S\) lies completely inside the set \(S\). It is evident that the XOR problem CAN NOT be solved linearly. This is the reason why this XOR problem has been a topic of interest among researchers for a long time.

We can get weight value in keras using model.get_weights() function. Adding more layers or nodes gives increasingly complex decision boundaries. But this could also lead to something called overfitting — where a model achieves very high accuracies on the training data, but fails to generalize. The architecture of a network refers to its general structure — the number of hidden layers, the number of nodes in each layer and how these nodes are inter-connected. To train our perceptron, we must ensure that we correctly classify all of our train data. Note that this is different from how you would train a neural network, where you wouldn’t try and correctly classify your entire training data.

Neural networks are now widespread and are used in practical tasks such as speech recognition, automatic text translation, image processing, analysis of complex processes and so on. Notice the artificial neural net has to output ‘1’ to the green and black point, and ‘0’ to the remaining ones. In other words, it need to separate the green and black points from the purple and red points. When I started AI, I remember one of the first examples I watched working was MNIST(or CIFAR10, I don’t remember very well).

I am introducing some examples of what a perceptron can implement with its capacity (I will talk about this term in the following parts of this series!). Logical functions are a great starting point since they will bring us to a natural development of the theory behind the perceptron and, as a consequence, neural networks. Artificial neural networks (ANNs), or connectivist systems are computing systems inspired by biological neural networks that make up the brains of animals. Such systems learn tasks (progressively improving their performance on them) by examining examples, generally without special task programming.

By introducing multi-layer perceptrons, the backpropagation algorithm, and appropriate activation functions, we can successfully solve the XOR problem. Neural networks have the potential to solve a wide range of complex problems, and understanding the XOR problem is a crucial step towards harnessing their full power. The XOR problem is significant because it highlights the limitations of single-layer perceptrons. A single-layer perceptron can only learn linearly separable patterns, whereas a straight line or hyperplane can separate the data points.