My mother and step dad have been very abusive to me since I was about four

My mother and step dad have been very abusive to me since I was about four

I am a 13 year old girl from Canada and my boyfriend is 16 (just turned 16 in july)and he is from the usa. And I’ve only met my real father four times. My stepdad has been dealing for as long as I can remember and now he starts to bring creepy people over to our house. And mom my is a stripper traveling around everywhere. And every day I get worried that something is going to happen and I just don’t want to live in this situation anymore.

Any help is appreciated, and I live in WV

I’ve tried talking my parents into letting me live with him and his family. But they just won’t. Is there any way I could get away from there legally? confusedteen 14 hours ago

To the person who wrote post 87, I was in the same situation. I wish you the best. confusedteen 14 hours ago

I’m 19 years old and will turn 20 in four months. I’m about to start my second year in college and have decided I don’t want to return home. Can I legally leave my parents’ house to live on my own without their consent? I’m asking this because my mom learned from a teacher that children can’t leave their parents’ home until they turn 21. I’m from Arizona by the way. anon2021

i really like a guy who is 18 and i am 15, but am going to be 16 in two months. would it be OK if we were together? anon192885 yesterday

My stepmom is horrible to me, my dad is sexually abusive, and I can’t live with my stepdad because he is sexually abusive as well

So three years ago, i moved to my dad’s in wisconsin from my mom’s in wisconsin. I’ll be 17 in three weeks and i want to come back to my mom’s. I hate it at my dads and can’t find happiness. what do i do? can i move with my mom or not? anon1878

I’m only 16, but I was wondering if there is anyway I can move out. I was thinking maybe a relatives? I don’t want to live on my own, I know I’m not ready for that. I was just wondering if I can move to a relatives place until I graduate legally? anon1808

my girlfriend wants to move in with me. she is 18 and has graduated high school. we are going to talk to her parents tonight and she thinks they will call the police. can anyone tell me if they call the police, if they can make her return home with them, instead of giving her the choice to stay with me or not? we are both 18 and graduated. anon1778

i will be 18 in in foster care. i can leave foster care when i am 18 right? i was told even by the people that i work with that i can leave when how to see who likes you on tinder 2020 i am a legal adult. anon1768

My daughter has a bill at a doctor’s office. She was 18 when she accumulated this bill. I was there having my other child seen there, and the billing department said I was responsible for the bill. Is that true? She is now 19 and the lady at the billing department said I was still responsible for her. I live in Wyoming. As far as I know you are considered to be an adult at 18 in Wyoming. So is it right for her to discuss her bill with me without my d