Michael and Mercy Slover will be getting baptized this Saturday at 1 p

Michael and Mercy Slover will be getting baptized this Saturday at 1 p

I love you all

But yeah. Life is great. I am loving the work more now than I have ever on my mission and we are being blessed so much with success. I love being on a mission. I have learned so much stuff for my life on managing my life and helping others, organizing my time and talents and just working in general. It’s great and has helped me realize that really we can do anything. We just have to go for it. Sometimes taking the time to think whether something is possible or not makes us too late to accomplish it. We just have to have faith and fly. So I am excited to receive the letter and pictures. I love letters and pictures. I am still expecting some from my siblings so I will be waiting.

So since its Halloween we aren’t allowed to go out proselyting tonight because of the danger in it and people would be mad, even though almost everyone would answer their door. But we have to be ready for the activity in an hour and we still need to shower and what not. For the activity President Lewis has given each zone permission to show 17 Miracles one time and one time only for the whole zone tonight. We are all super super excited. This week was kind of lame. I ended up getting sick with bad allergies and a cold on Thursday and then Friday we had Zone Conference. Elder Yamashita from the first quorum of the Seventy was here and did an awesome training. Him and his wife didn’t speak English very well but they did just fine and the spirit was super strong. We learned a lot. But I was talking to the health coordinator, the new one that is, and she was concerned so she made me go to the de. Good thing I went cuz I had pneumonia again! Just kidding I didn’t. But I did have an ear infection so they gave me some amoxicillin which gives me diarrhea. So I have been getting better slowly. When I walked in the room Elder Yamashita was there and so President Lewis anointed me and Elder Yamashita gave me an awesome blessing. So I got an awesome blessing from a Seventy! So that was basically my week. I did get Jamie’s letter this week. Hopefully it’s not the last from the rest of the family responding to my heart ache. I had a dream Jeff wrote me a letter ha. I have been having some crazy dreams lately. The work is going great. We are still trying to find some new investigators cuz we are baptizing ours. m. We don’t have to do anything in it except take the credit for the baptism. I am so excited. They are super solid. Michael actually had already converted to Hot Chocolate in the morning just like you suggested mom. So that was cool. Oh yeah I forgot to ask, WHAT THE FREAK. WHY DOES PORTER WANT TO BE A FAIRY FAGGIT. That’s ridiculous. I was never that gay. I might have worn pink tights and danced and stuff but I was never a FAIRY! Mom how can you allow this?! Oh well, as long as you send me pictures so I can see how gay it is. I hope everything is going good. Love you.


Well that sounded like an exciting week. That was a nice long email. I love being informed. So this was a week! So my new companion is Elder Jones from North Carolina. He is awesome. He came out a transfer after me and became a zone leader at the same time. We both have very similar working and teaching styles and we get along very very well. We both love to tell stories and that is usually what takes up most of our free time. It’s nice because I love telling stories to my companions but sometimes they don’t appreciate them and they kind of don’t listen but with Elder Jones being a story teller as well he appreciates it and he listens and gives me feedback.