This has been a great read for me

This has been a great read for me

I got engaged during this transition process, and 1 year to the day later, got married (3 months ago)

Thank you for this, its given me hope I never had iv been finding it hard to deal with but after reading this has given me a different out look maybe this can work il never know if I don’t try and if I walk awayI may live to regret it and I dont want that I wanna be able to say iv tryediso thank you very much your a grsat help and must say your partner is very lucky to have u

I ultimately am an optimist, and think that with the proper support, understanding, place to voice her fears, and work, that we will remain together

I’m an MTF that came out slowly to both myself and my partner over the course of almost 3 years. About 2 years ago, I started seeing a counselor, and decided I’d like to give hormones a chance to normalize myself. The longer I’ve been on them, the better I’ve felt. I used to hate myself so much, and kept it from everyone. My wife and I are finally in counseling together, as she didn’t want to add that on top of her super hectic work travel and wedding planning. She is now needing to start discussing this with her family and friends as I am getting closer and closer to my full time date (have already pushed this back). I’m interested to see if she can find some support from other people who have been through this, both whom have and have not succeeded in remaining together as a couple. I love her with all my heart and really do not want people who think it is selfish of me to need to do (you are obviously out there). I cannot help who I am, and tried fighting it for 33 years! Well, 31 then did something about it. I realize if I didn’t transition, I would do the most ultimately selfish thing and take my own life.

Now we are trying to muster through this, but seeing her in pain utterly destroys me. It breaks my heart. I have a lot of empathy for her. She wants a man, and this is something I can never give her. She is depressed right now and just doesn’t see anything positive about life at installment loans no credit check Clarksville the moment. I know sometimes it is hard to see beyond our own depressions, and that there is a future. I’ve been there for multiple reasons so many times in my life. I want her to be happy, and I just don’t know how I can make that happen for her. She loves me, but I fear she will slowly fall out of love with me and eventually end up having hatred towards me. That would break my heart. I’ve given 5 years of my life to her. If this were a choice, do you think I would want to put her through this? Heck no.

I really want Sarah to read things from more viewpoints and hear more positive things from hetero women who are married to trans women. Even if they didn’t remain married ultimately. I want her to know that whatever she decides, this will not be an easy road, and she needs support as I do. I love and support her, but I alone am not enough. Ultimately, it is her decision and her decision alone if she can and will remain with me, and I will not hate her if she cannot be with me, no matter how much it will hurt my heart to see that. You get married out of love, but remain together because of work and communication and empathy.